5 Amazing Stats of mobile usage


More and more people are using this!


I was doing some research on the increasing usage of mobile smartphones and the numbers I found were staggering. Just American smartphone ownership has increased from 93.1 million in 2011 to 116 million in 2012. Imagine what the numbers will be for 2013?

Some other stats I found are:

  1. 4 out of 5 Americans use their smartphone to shop
  2. 70% of mobile searches lead to an action within 1 hour
  3. 75% of Americans admit to bringing their smartphone to the bathroom
  4. 40% of mobile users will choose another result if it is not mobile friendly
  5. 60% of all mobile searches are done on smartphones.

This is a market that cannot be ignored by any business owner. The potential of loss business is exponentially growing every year. It has reached a point of either get on board or get left behind. But this isn’t a market where you just want to go with the first solution you come across. Make sure to do your research of what is available to meet your specific business’s needs. Just cause something worked for someone else does not mean it is right for you.

Need more of a reason to start thinking about your  mobile marketing needs? Just watch this video:

If all this does not convince you to start getting your business ramped up for mobile maketing, I do not know what will.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or just to discuss the future of the mobile market.

* Statistics can be found at:

The 5 Fundamental Pillars of Mobile Marketing For 2014

Retailers Carving Out Space in M-Commerce Market

Mobile Behavior Big Game Seating (a study with Surveymonkey)


Differences in business culture…how does it affect you?

Sending an email campaign

Bombs Away!

As most of my followers should know, I have talked about putting together an email campaign for the company that I sell mobile marketing solutions for (see Launching An Email Campaign & Launching An Email Campaign 2). Well…after much debate and research it should finally go out this week.

Part of the problem with getting this email campaign off the ground was the differences between the main companies business culture and our culture here in the United States. When I first started offering virtual assistance services, I did not take into account how different cultures conduct business.

Especially when it comes to marketing a product or service. What may work here in the U.S. does not necessarily work in the U.K. Or in Asia. And not knowing that coming into this project made it that much more difficult to get this campaign off the ground. Neither of us understood the business culture of the other.

Now that we are on the same page, I think future marketing endeavors will go much smoother. But for those of you who are planning to move your product service to the global market, do your research. Cause the differences can be staggering.

Growth of the Mobile Market

Importance of a Mobile Marketing Strategy

Importance of a Mobile Marketing Strategy

T-Mobile’s 4G LTE Network Now Covers 154 U.S. Markets


A report by Mobile Marketing Watch says that T-Mobile, America‘s 4th largest carrier, is making strides in catching up in the mobile service provider industry. Their 4G LTE network now reaches 180 million people in 154 U.S. markets and are on target to expand that to 200 million people by the end of 2013. They currently have 17 devices that work on their LTE network and soon will be adding the Apple iPhone 5C & 5S to that lineup.

What does this mean for your business? It shows the growing importance of having an effective mobile marketing plan in place. As the speed of mobile networks increase, so will the number of people utilizing their mobile device for research and shopping. If your not in a position to take advantage of this shift, then you really should start working towards it. 

Their are several ways to manage your mobile marketing strategy. You can build custom apps for each phones operating system or go with a mobile optimized website. Their are also companies that combine the two aspects.

If you would like more information or some helpful hints on choosing a system that will work for you, please feel free to contact me at domenic.marchetti@cox.net.

What is success?

What is success?

I’m sure a lot of people were like me when they first started off with their own business. We had a clear vision of what we were going to do and where we wanted to be. In our mind we connected a straight line from the starting point of our business to our success point.

Then when you get into the thick of things you suddenly realize that not everything will work out as planned. Our straight path to success becomes a curvy road filled with potholes, speed traps, and road construction. We are forced to take detours from our original plan to account for the things we didn’t see coming.

I have learned that you need to be able to recognize a pivot point in your business. A place where you need to make a choice to either change direction or keep going on your current path. These decisions will be difficult to make because they sometimes take you in a direction away from your view of success.

When I first started RI Business Solutions (see my first post), my view was to solely perform virtual administrative assistance services. 6 months later and I am doing sales of a mobile marketing platform and customer service. I’m in the process of establishing a call center in Pakistan to be better able to compete in the customer service industry. I have ended up going in a totally different direction then I had originally anticipated.

Does this mean I failed to succeed? I don’t think so. In a sense I have already succeeded because I was able to change my direction to meet the needs of my clients. If I stayed focused on my original plan of success, then I would have failed. But by changing the type of services I provided, I am able to keep my business moving forward. The direction of the movement makes no difference, long as the movement is forward. And forward movement is successful movement.



Why is mobile marketing so important?


All over the internet you see all the hype of mobile marketing. It raised a question in my  mind…. is it really the future of marketing. The numbers say YES!

There was an increase of 5.02% of website traffic via mobile phones from 1st Q 2012 to 1st Q 2013 (source: Smart Insights). And as phone service gets faster and more reliable it is only going to increase from there.

What does this mean for small business owners? If your not accessible via mobile phones your loosing out on potential customers. Customers that will go to a competitor.

“But I have a website“, you may be saying. Yes, a great first step. But can your site be viewed easily on a mobile phone? If it is not designed specifically for mobile phones it will be hard to navigate by phone users. And personally, if I can’t find it easily I move on to a place that is easily. Chances are that your customers will do the same thing.

By using a company that specializes in mobile marketing, you can get a website that is easily viewed on ANY device. From smartphones to smart TVs and everything in between. It is an excellent and easy way to get your small business in front of the eyes of your mobile customers.

So be sure your ready for the next big step in marketing. Get a mobile optimized website today.

For more information:

Launching an email campaign


Working on starting an email campaign. Decided to go with Exact Data Consumer Base for my email list. Rudy Birtler has been excellent with helping me to understand the process as I start to launch this first campaign.

I have the basic email template designed, only need to have Exact Data review it for me. I believe it will be rather successful, hopefully. The success of this first email campaign will make or break my launch of Goro into the US sales market.

I am also looking to add members to my sales team. So if you or anyone you may know is interested please forward your resume to me at domenic.m@goro-allinone.com. I will be building this team over the next 3 months, so please be patient if I do not schedule an interview right away.

Best of luck to all of you on your endeavors.

Where does the time go?

So it has been a really long time since I submitted anything to my blog. It is just amazing how time flies by without you ever realizing it.

I am excited to report that I will be taking over U.S. marketing efforts for Goro All-In-One Solutions. There is a lot of work ahead of me. Need to add additional sales team members, write out the press release, expand the social network marketing, etc. But it feels good to have the additional workload.

I’ll try to keep the updates coming as I progress.

P.S. Anyone have any tips on writing a great press release?

Latest Contract


Starting working with a great new start up company. They are called Goro All In One Marketing. They provide several solutions for mobile marketing. As I have started working with them I have come to realize how important mobile marketing is today.

  • Did you know that the growth of smartphone sales is expected to grow to 5 times that of laptop sales?

  • Or that in 2013, 90% of online searches was done on a smartphone?

  • And of that 90%, 60% made a physical appearance to the store they were searching for.

If you do not have a business website that is optimized for smartphone use, then you could be losing a lot of potential customers that move on to a website that is easier to navigate on their smartphone. Not a wise decision at all.

I am actually very impressed with their service and how well they seamlessly can take your existing website and convert it into a mobile application that is fully interactive, including providing placement on Google Maps for customers to easily find the establishment.

This is a client that I am actually excited about working with. I can see the potential of their product and can see a long successful relationship with them.

I’ll keep everyone posted as it progresses.